Heart Connection
Heart Connection
Energy Cycles and Disease

Energy Cycles and Disease

By White Feather

Anyone who has spent much time on a beach knows about ebb and flow. The ocean is a great teacher of the cyclical nature of all life on this glorious planet. The tides come in and they go out. All the animal life and plant life living in this ecological zone is aware of these cycles and their lives are structured to follow these natural cycles. It is all about energy.

Energy is cyclical and nature responds and reacts to these cycles in a natural and harmonious way. Humans, however, have lost touch with these natural cycles of ebb and flow. They have lost touch with nature.

In today’s modern culture humans are conditioned to ignore these natural cycles of energy. They are taught to constantly strive for societal notions of success. They are taught to never stop working towards these concepts of success. We must be constantly working towards this illusory fulfillment and any “slacking off” is considered as “bad” and “lazy” and “weak” and “anti-social” and “defeating.” Everything we do must be a means to an illusory concept of “success.” We are conditioned to believe that all the energy we put forward is a means to an end.

In the natural world there is no calendar of success. Time, like energy, is cyclical. The present moment is all that there is and that present moment is always either in a state of ebb or flow. The present moment is never a means to an end. It simply is.

The birds and the animals and the fish and the trees are not constantly working towards some illusory distant goal of success. They are living in the present moment; in the ebb and flow of life. During the ebb they rest and rejuvenate and during the flow they grow. This is how life sustains itself on this incredible paradise of a planet.

Humans, however, have stepped out of this natural rhythm. They have replaced living with achieving. They have replaced harmony and balance with notions of success and wealth and accomplishment and productivity. To achieve these illusory goals they must step out of natural energy rhythms and constantly strive and struggle. Instead of going with the natural flow they have been conditioned to fight against it. Never give up! Never rest! Push, push, push for success and accomplishment and productivity.

In modern Western society humans have been taught to never rest, to never allow their energies to ebb and rejuvenate. But our bodies are still connected to the natural ebb and flow of life. Being made up of Earth elements, our bodies are naturally tied into the energies of the planet which are in a constant state of ebb and flow. Our bodies are following natural cycles but our minds are following the dictates of society.

This creates a significant energy disturbance. The energies of our bodies and the energies of our mind/egos are not in sync. When you have opposing energy forces there is friction, imbalance and disharmony.

We have been led to believe that our minds are more important than our bodies; that we can somehow override those natural energy cycles which our bodies adhere to. We have been taught to keep our focus on success and achievement and not give in to the natural ebb and flow of energy and then we can overcome those natural energy cycles and succeed in the society-imposed measures of fulfillment and happiness and success.

So what would you do if you were a human body living within the natural cycles of the ebb and flow of nature and you had to live with a human mind that was living in direct opposition to those natural forces of ebb and flow? How could you get that darn human mind to stop long enough to slip back into natural cycles? How could you get it to slow down and allow the natural cycles of ebb to rejuvenate and energize the body and mind? It can seem like an impossible task to get the conditioned Western human mind to step out of its relentless quest for achievement long enough to recognize and slip back into natural cyclical rhythms.

But it really is not that hard. All the body has to do is create disease. There is nothing like disease to pull the mind out of its frenzied quest for success and bring it back to the natural state of the world. Nothing will get the mind’s attention faster than a full-blown illness.

So much illness and disease comes about because we are out of touch with natural cycles and it is the only way our bodies can bring us back into those cycles. And even then many of us still do not listen.

Listen to your body. It knows.

Copyright by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Thanks for reading and listening and subscribing…

More audio excitement! Actress Kris Keppeler chose my story, Rabbits, Children, and an Old Man to read on her radio show Does This Happen To You? You can listen to it here. Kris is very talented and I think you will enjoy it.

All photos from Pixabay.

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Sometimes you read a story that you enjoy so much that you want everyone to read it. Such was the case yesterday when I read Mark Starlin’s story Pierre Finds Fame. Seriously, it was one of the most delightful stories I’ve read in a while and I’m sure it will be enjoyed by all.

Heart Connection
Heart Connection
The words of White Feather spoken by White Feather
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